Insert into table

Using this writer you can insert your data into a table of an existing datastore. If you already have a table layout ready or if you want to append to eg. a database table, then this writing option is the right one for you.

Optionally, you can make the 'Insert into table' component truncate your table before insertion. This will delete all existing records in the table, useful for initial load situations.

Currently target tables can be from any of the following datastore types:

  1. CSV file . In this case data will be appended to the file.

  2. Excel spreadsheet . In this case data will be appended to the file.

  3. Relational database . In this case data will be inserted to the table using an INSERT statement.

  4. MongoDB database . In this case data will be inserted into the MongoDB collection.

  5. CouchDB database . In this case data will be inserted into the CouchDB database.

  6. . In this case data will be uploaded/inserted into using the SOQL web services.

  7. ElasticSearch index . In this case data will be indexed into ElasticSearch.