Reference data

Reference data items (dictionaries, synonym catalogs and string patterns) are defined in the configuration file in the element <reference-data-catalog>. Below some examples:


Dictionaries are stored within the <dictionaries> element within the reference data section. Three types of dictionaries can be added.

Datastore dictionaries

				    <datastore-dictionary name="Lastnames" description="My datastore based dictionary">

Text file dictionaries

				    <text-file-dictionary name="Firstnames" description="My file based dictionary">

Value list dictionaries

				    <value-list-dictionary name="Greetings" description="My simple value list">

Synonym catalogs

Synonym catalogs are stored within the <synonym-catalogs> element within the reference data section. Two types of dictionaries can be added.

Text file synonym catalogs

				    <text-file-synonym-catalog name="textfile_syn" description="My text file synonyms">

Datastore synonym catalogs

				    <datastore-synonym-catalog name="datastore_syn" description="My datastore synonyms">

String patterns

Dictionaries are stored within the <string-patterns> element within the reference data section. Two types of string patterns can be added.

Regular expression (regex) string patterns

				    <regex-pattern name="regex danish email" description="Danish email addresses">

Simple string patterns

				    <simple-pattern name="simple email" description="Simple email pattern">