The Command-Line Interface allows for listing of datastore contents and available components. The intended usage for this is to aid in hand-editing an analysis file, if this is desired. By using the -list arguments you can get the metadata of your datastore and the DataCleaner components that will allow you to manually compose an analysis file.
Listing the contents of a datastore is pretty self-explanatory, if you look at the output of the -usage command. Here's a few examples, using the example database 'orderdb':
> datacleaner-console.exe -list datastores Datastores: ----------- Country codes orderdb > datacleaner-console.exe -list tables -ds orderdb Tables: ------- CUSTOMERS CUSTOMER_W_TER DEPARTMENT_MANAGERS DIM_TIME EMPLOYEES OFFICES ORDERDETAILS ORDERFACT ORDERS PAYMENTS PRODUCTS QUADRANT_ACTUALS TRIAL_BALANCE > datacleaner-console.exe -list columns -ds orderdb -table employees Columns: -------- EMPLOYEENUMBER LASTNAME FIRSTNAME EXTENSION EMAIL OFFICECODE REPORTSTO JOBTITLE
Listing DataCleaner's components is done by setting the -list argument to one of the three component types: ANALYZER, TRANSFORMER or FILTER:
> datacleaner-console.exe -list analyzers ... name: Matching analyzer - Consumes multiple input columns (type: UNDEFINED) - Property: name=Dictionaries, type=Dictionary, required=false - Property: name=String patterns, type=StringPattern, required=false name: Pattern finder - Consumes 2 named inputs Input column: Column (type: STRING) Input column: Group column (type: STRING) - Property: name=Discriminate text case, type=Boolean, required=false - Property: name=Discriminate negative numbers, type=Boolean, required=false - Property: name=Discriminate decimals, type=Boolean, required=false - Property: name=Enable mixed tokens, type=Boolean, required=false - Property: name=Ignore repeated spaces, type=Boolean, required=false - Property: name=Upper case patterns expand in size, type=boolean, required=false - Property: name=Lower case patterns expand in size, type=boolean, required=false - Property: name=Predefined token name, type=String, required=false - Property: name=Predefined token regexes, type=String, required=false - Property: name=Decimal separator, type=Character, required=false - Property: name=Thousands separator, type=Character, required=false - Property: name=Minus sign, type=Character, required=false ... > datacleaner-console.exe -list transformers ... name: Tokenizer - Consumes a single input column (type: STRING) - Property: name=Delimiters, type=char, required=true - Property: name=Number of tokens, type=Integer, required=true - Output type is: STRING name: Whitespace trimmer - Consumes multiple input columns (type: STRING) - Property: name=Trim left, type=boolean, required=true - Property: name=Trim right, type=boolean, required=true - Property: name=Trim multiple to single space, type=boolean, required=true - Output type is: STRING ...